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132 Movie Reviews

12 w/ Responses

Decent Comedy..

There were some parts that were funny, and I laughed at the whole, "LOOK, AN EAGLE!" moments. The characters reminded me of Kirby/Sonic crossbreeds.. but that's cool! Overall, it was a good movie. Thumbs up and such.

Yay! Part 3!

That's a pretty good voice acting job, although some weren't as good as others. The movie is presented in the same style as a real episode, which I was impressed with. However, some graphical commodities kept me from giving you the 9. Great job, though.

The most fun I've had for a while.

It felt good to laugh at silly robot antics... in ancient greece. The menu song was catchy too. Great job, and I can't wait to see more. *singing the Robots in AG song*


That was.. *sniff* beautiful. Even more amazing is that it's your first animated project. I must have more! MORE I SAY!

*Bows to Ketchup Man*

This movie rocks just as hard as the first two. Insane plot twists and Awesome rock throwing, stick poking action! You can't miss this. And I will wait patiently for more Ketchup Man.

Not too bad.

That's pretty good for a first animation, There's definitely plenty of room for improvement, but I hope to see more of these.

Holy Toke Batman!

Cheech and Chong are awesome. >< I'll be humming that song for a long time now. Definitely my favorite for today.


It could've been better. I was expecting a little bit more, Since I am a huge Goemon fan. I was more or less disapppointed.

Oooh.... Flashy.

It was easy to see what kind of Arcade games you play. ><

There was a heavy Street Fighter influence in the movie, and the chibi-like characters looked awesome. If that were a real game, heck, I'd play it. Great job.

Xionico responds:

XD thanks, and it was inspired on marval vs capcom 2 =P

New stuff coming.. Eventually.

Joel Whitmore @FoxCoon

Age 35, Male

Animation Student

Art Institutes: Orange County

Somewhere in California

Joined on 7/13/05

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